Worth knowing about aloe vera
General information about Aloe Vera
In many ways, our body and mind are required every day. This costs a lot of energy and power. These partial negative stress factors can turn into negative effects on the body. Important in such situations is to relax, to have adequate sleep, to do exercises and to have good nutrition. Our nature has a great plant for this to support us in order to be better prepared for such stressful situations.
What we are talking about is the Aloe Vera plant or so called desert lily. The liquid of the leaf (gel) that is extracted from the inside of the plant is not only a beauty product, but is also a natural fruit full of nutrients that can have a positive effect on the organism and thus support the immune system in its daily work (Oppermann 2004, 7).
The Aloe Vera is a lily plant and is related to asparagus, onion and garlic.
At present almost 300 different species of Aloe Vera have been registered worldwide.
For the cosmetic and medical use the Aloe Vera Barbardensis Miller plant (or also called Linnè) is the most significant. It is a plant which is at home in a hot climate. It is located mainly in regions such as Central and South America, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, and also southern Europe (as in Spain).
Especially the valuable ingredients make the Aloe Vera Barbardensis Miller so interesting. Numerous active substances have already been recorded and researched. These active ingredients are found inside the leaf. The plants are up to 150 cm high and bloom in the spring where you have a high yellow flower which makes the plant grow up to two meters high.
The plants themselves are harvested only after three to five years, since only the formation of the nutrients and active ingredients have been sufficiently formed. As a peculiarity of the plant it is to be mentioned that this is particularly robust and can self-heal itself quickly.
Especially if the Aloe Vera plant is cut off a leaf, one can experience how fast the healing process goes. Also, when the plant is dug out, it is still able to regenerate again for weeks by re-entering the soil. Thus this plant can also exceed longer transport distances (Bankhofer, 2013, pp. 15-17).

With our blog we would like to bring you all sorts of interesting facts about the aloe plant, how you can use it and what you can do with it.
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