How do I place an order?

Our online shop is open around the clock for you to take your orders.

Select products:

If there are no delivery bottlenecks, you can add any item to the shopping cart by clicking the "Add to cart" button. The quantity is automatically set to 1. If you want to increase the quantity, simply change this beforehand in the quantity field or in the shopping basket itself. The quantity field itself is next to the "Add to basket" button.

Change the quantity or products:

If you want to change the amount of articles in the shopping cart, simply go to the button "shopping cart", which is located in the upper right corner of the browser field. The amount of articles currently inserted should already be displayed there.

If you are in the shopping cart, you can increase or decrease the quantity by changing the quantity on the "Quantity" tab. Or delete it completely by clicking on the "Remove" box (please confirm this by clicking on the "Update" button).

Place an order:

If the shopping cart corresponds to your desired items, you have the option of placing the order:

1. Process directly via PayPal Express (you do not have to choose a customer or guest account, but provide this information via your PayPal account!)

2. to be processed via your customer account at

3. to act as a guest

For points 2 + 3, your contact details are required.